Increase Performance With Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a must-have tool for any business with a website. Every Digital Marketer should install this platform. There are over 40 million users of GA.Whether you collect leads from your site or run a full e-commerce business, Google Analytics(GA) can help increase performance.  Here are some great ways to use this free platform to help your business: Examine Channels Channels refers to the kinds of online traffic that comes to your site. Typical channels will include Organic, Paid, Social, Email etc. The Channels report will provide all of the metrics for each of these broad categories, informing you [...]

By |2019-08-06T22:43:45+00:0008/06/19|Advertising, Digital Advertising, Google|

What Google Analytics Can Do For You

Google Analytics (GA) is an outstanding analytics platform that gives insight into how people find and use your website. According to Ellen Smolko of Foresight Performance “Google Analytics is probably the best free tool available for helping you decide how to convert your visitors to leads or even sales and improve the quality of your Calls to Action (CTAs).”  Anyone with a website should have GA, but if you advertise digitally, it is a must. The value of Google Analytics is not just for advertising, it helps smart marketers make informed decisions on many levels. Demographics We often talk about [...]

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